ITA-CET online lunchtime lecture is pursuing its path!

ITA-CET online lunchtime lecture is pursuing its path!

16 April 2021

As mentioned in our last newsletter, these lectures are open to a wide public and will take place live, on the second Tuesday of every month from 13:00 hours to 14:00 hours Paris time. Each event will include key lectures, followed by a question and answer session.Lecturers will be top professionals in the tunnelling and underground space community, notably from the ITA’s Working Groups and Committees. Industry representatives and project owners will be asked to intervene on a regular basis, in order to give different viewpoints.

The first session centered on "From rock mechanics to drill and blast" gathered a total of 196 participants from all over the world.  - in total a massive 47 countries were represented by participants!

The second one focused on  "Contractual practices and the FIDIC Emerald book". The session included a case study from a contractor, lectures on the FIDIC Emerald book, and a Q&A session to finish.

The last installement offered a lecture on the theme of « Compressed air » including a first lecture by Donald Lamont (animateur of  ITA WG5),  a case study from Tim Babendererde from BabEng, 

After those first three successful events which took place on 9th February, 9th March and 13th April, on  the ITA-CET Committee and ITACET Foundation are pleased to announce the next installment of the lunchtime lecture series which will be on "Modern approaches to tunnel waterproofing " the 11th May.

The provisional schedule and topics for the next lectures over the coming months is available on the following link: