Search results for: A. Chan

Join our lunchtime lectures on contractualisation on 14th February 2023 !

Info from our Prime Sponsor: Robbins

ITACET Lunchtime Lecture Series #23

WTC 2023 is fast approaching!

Join us @ World Systemic Forum

ITACUS: New Year's wishes 2023 and recap of highlights 2022

Muir Wood Lecture 2022

ITA New President

ITA 2022 General Assembly

Tunnel Spoil handling, Treatment and Disposal Options from a Global Perspective

ITA Member Nations report 2021

  • Published in 2022
  • Author ITA

An Owners Guide to Immersed Tunnels and annexes


ITA-CET teams up with AMITOS for an online training session

Recommendations for the Application of ISO 19650 - Information Management Process and Responsibility Matrix – Vol 1

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