Search results for: A. Chan

ITA Working Group 23 held Webinars

Des tunnels toujours plus extrêmes

  • Support Press

ITA shows what underground space brings to cities at 10th World Urban Forum


"Growth below" movie presented by ITACUS won top emerging ideas Award

Harvey Parker receives ITA-AITES Life Time Achievement Award

Join our free Webinar on shaft construction

ITA-CET plans to develop a Tbm driver certification scheme

Handling, Treatment and Disposal of Tunnel Spoil Materials

Los Angeles Regional Connector Transit Project Garners Tunnelling Project of the Year Award

  • Support Press

Young Tunneller of the year: Amanda Kerr, USA

2019 winner of the project of the year between €50M & €500M: Regional Connector Transit Project

Malaysia gears up to host WTC 2020

  • Support Press

ITA publication on handling, treatment & disposal of tunnel spoil materials

"The challenge of modern tunnelling" seminar in Warsaw

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