Search results for: ITA

WTC 2018 - General Assembly

WTC 2018 - Opening Ceremony

Chinese Woman Excels in Global Tunnel-construction Industry

  • Support Press

Isabel Dedring to speak at TDUK event on 27 June 2018

Guideline For Good Practice Of Fibre Reinforced Precast Segment - Vol. 2 : Production Aspects

Seminar on Technical Challenges of Extra-Long Tunnel Projects held in Hangzhou, China

ITA-CET newsletter Issue 8

A busy schedule adhead!

ITA endorsement of the Master’s course at UNAM

An encouraging turnout at the Committee meeting in Dubai

A wealth of expertise at the WTC short course

Guidelines For The Provision of Refuge Chambers In Tunnels Under Construction

  • Published in 2018
  • Author WG5

New strategies for ITA presented in Dubai

Guidelines for good working practice in high pressure compressed air Version 2018

ITACUS all present at WTC 2018

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