Representatives of the ITA-CET and ITAtech Committees met in Hagerbach, Switzerland on 18th November 2015 to examine how to strengthen the relationship between the two committees and work together to develop training actions for professionals and industry.
Although most major companies already have their own staff training programmes and procedures, they are generally dedicated to the company’s own specific field of activity. ITA-CET training sessions could provide an additional wider overview of more general aspects of tunnelling.
ITA-tech representatives have agreed to identify which training sessions from the current ITA-CET portfolio could be of interest to their staff and in which particular countries training is required. ITA-CET could adapt existing programmes if necessary or create new ones.
The ITAtech Committee has set up several working groups in charge of the preparation of guidelines on various topics. The report contents could then be disseminated through training sessions in the form of Deminars, which mix traditional classroom presentations with practical demonstrations of the latest technological developments available in industry, as in the case of the Hagerbach Deminar on “Waterproofing”.