Steering Board and Advisory Board
During the Steering Board meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, in November last year, the ITACUS Steering Board adopted a new strategy for the period 2016 - 2020. Part of the new plan is to reshape the committee. The Steering Board, consisting of Founding Members and the new Activity Group leaders had grown into a too large body as to be effective. The Steering Board decided that in future the Steering Board would be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair and the Activity Group leaders. The Founding Members and the WG20-animateur are now the ITACUS Advisory Board and meet once a year during the WTC. The ITA Executive Committee tutor takes part in the meeting of the Advisory Board and can also attend the Steering Board.
Annual General Meeting
The committee members are invited to come together once a year during the WTC at the ITACUS Open Session. If the membership needs to take any decisions, the Open Session will be the venue to do so.
ITACUS Activity Groups
The committee has four Activity Groups that are led by Activity Group leaders: AG1 – Young Professional Think Deep Programme (YPTDP); AG 2 – Urban Underground Freight; AG 3 – SubUrban; and AG 4 – National Actions Programme. The activity groups organise their activities themselves and may differ in their approach to membership of the group. Some will seek active membership, while others are there to encourage and coordinate other to start activities. As said before, the Activity Group leaders upon their appointment become members of the ITACUS Steering Board.