Search results for: ITA

ITA COSUF Workshop on 4 June 2013 in Geneva - B. Wahlström

ITA COSUF Workshop on 4 June 2013 in Geneva - B. Falconnat

ITA COSUF Workshop on 4 June 2013 in Geneva - D. Lacroix

ITA COSUF Workshop on 4 June 2013 in Geneva - Presentation GA meeting

New Member Nation representative for Saudi Arabia

MoU signed with UN Habitat

Global Perspective 2013

Muir Wood lecture 2013

ITA handover a video to UNISDR

ITA Global Perspective Open Session 2013

WTC 2013 - a real success

ITA has a new President

Design guidance For spray Applied Waterproofing Membranes

Guidelines on standard indication of Load Cases for calculation of Rating Life (l10) of TBM main bearings

Leaders, Eastern promise

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