Search results for: ITA COSUF

WG & Committees

ITA COSUF Workshop on Digitalization of Tunnels

ITA COSUF Workshop on Digitalization of Tunnels

Luchtime lectures on risks related to new energy carriers in tunnels

Pr. Arnold Dix elected ITA President

TSO Webinar on emergency response in road tunnels

Register now for the ITACET lectures on tunnel fires !

Lunchtime Lecture Serie #11

ITA COSUF Newsletter July 2021

Latest ITA Working Groups and Committees' publications

Current Practice on Cross-Passage Design to support Safety in Rail and Metro tunnels

Workshop On New Energy Carriers In Road Tunnels

ITA COSUF next AG meetings

ITA COSUF Award 2018 handed out in Lyon

ITA COSUF has supported PIARC first edition in Lyon

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