ITAtech Session in Dubrovnik

ITAtech Session in Dubrovnik

08 May 2015

Presentation of the ITAtech Session. – Tuesday May 26th 10:15 – 12:30


This session will be the opportunity to share with the audience on 3 topics, 2 of them related to documents that will be published at the occasion of the WTC 2015 in Dubrovnik  and one on a ongoing topic being studied by an Activity Group of ITATech


ITAtech – Activity Group – Excavation
ITAtech Guidelines on rebuilds of machinery for mechanized tunnel excavation


The use of second hand or rebuilt equipment is quite a common practice in underground construction. For environmental as well as economic reasons the multiple use of equipment has to be considered to be a reliable and safe solution.

The purpose of this ITAtech guideline is to establish definitions and minimum requirements for rebuilding pre-used equipment that can be used for contract specifications of equipment.



ITAtech – Activity Group Support
ITAtech Design guidance for precast fibre reinforced concrete segments


This document has been written to assist tunnel designers, contractors and owners in understanding the benefits of and limitations in the use of fibre reinforcement for precast concrete segments for tunnel linings, installed using tunnel boring machines. Guidance is also provided on specifications and testing.

Fibres can be used as reinforcement in precast concrete segmental tunnel linings, either, most commonly, as “fibre only” (as ‘Primary’ reinforcement) or in combination with conventional (bar) reinforcement - a “combined solution” (as ‘Secondary’ reinforcement).

The state of the art is defined by a large number of reference projects, where fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) segments have been used successfully.

The aim of this document is to present the common understanding of designers, manufacturers and users of fibre reinforced concrete segments of what constitutes good practice in this field of engineering.


ITAtech – Activity Group – Excavation
Excavation Qaulity with drill & blast tunnelling

Excavation quality depends on geology and rock mass properties  but with good drill and blast design and proper use of modern technology for drilling, blasting and quality control the end result can be greatly improved.

Regional and national standards covering Drill & Blast Tunneling practices and quality control do vary. This hinders spreading the best, safest and most cost effective  practices effectively

Impressive results in very demanding Drill & Blast projects are achieved around the world. Methods and solutions used in these projects are not necessarily well known nor easily available for the industry