ITA’s Work Group 23 on "Design and Construction of Shafts" started its existence in May 2019 during the World Tunnelling Congress in Naples. Since then the number of work group members has grown steadily. One of the aims of this Work Group is to share relevant knowledge and experience on topics relevant to shafts. In order to reach a global audience and allow for „live“ communications several webinars were arranged in which presentations were made and participants were able to ask questions and discuss issues with individuals and experts from different countries.
The first webinar was held on 22nd of January 2020 with the topic "Mechanized Shaft and Raise Excavtion" and the second webinar was held on 12th of February 2020 on "Design and Construction of Deep Shaft Concrete Linings in the UK" with an average of almost 100 participants.
The webinars were well received with many emails and requests asking for the recorded sessions and encouraging such activities. The file of the first webinar and the recorded session of the second webinar have been made available. Further Webinars will be arranged by this work group and dates and topics will be announced once finalized.