Visit to Mexico

Visit to Mexico

03 October 2013

On the way to the Executive Council meeting in Panama, the ITA President, Soren Eskesen and the Executive Director, Olivier Vion, stopped in Mexico to meet the board of Directors of AMITOS.

Fruitful exchanges took place. Construction of tunnels are booming in Mexico for the last 5 years after a period of nearly 20 years with not much activities. Extensions of metro lines in Mexico City are going on, but the main project at the moment is the construction of TEO (Tunel Emisor Oriente) which is a 62 km long tunnel network for wastewater.

The entire 62km long Emisor Oriente is a gravity-feed system with a flow capacity of 150m3/sec and a vast storage capacity of some 2.4 million m3 designed to retain combined flow until it can process through the treatment plant. Across the 62km long distance the system slopes at about 1.6‰ or by 400m in the vertical alignment, starting at Shaft 0 in the city centre at 27m deep and passing through the deepest shaft, Shaft 20, at 150m deep before ending 10km further on at a portal structure at the treatment plant site in the Tula River valley. One of the main concern of AMITOS is training of people and it is the reason why they have already organized training sessions in collaboration with the ITACET Foundation and are starting a Specialized Master on Tunnelling this year. ITA through the ITA-CET Committee and with the help of the ITACET Foundation will support their initiative.