Latest news on WTC 2014

Latest news on WTC 2014

17 March 2014

The WTC 2014 in Iguaçu Brazil will now take place in about 50 days. Take advantage of the last days to get the early bird price.

All the lectures that will be presented during the congress have now been chosen and the lecturers informed. A total of 129 lectures will be presented orally and probably the same number as poster.

During the Opening ceremony, 3 keynote lectures will be presented by : 

  1. André Assis, Brasília University (Brazil): Tunnels for a better life: Trends, challenges and future technology

    Johann Golser, Leoben University (Austria): Challenges and Developments in Conventional Tunnelling

    Jurandir Fernandes, São Paulo State Secretary for Metropolitan Transportation


    The Muir Wood lecture will be given by Georg Anagnostou, Institut für Geomechanik, ETH – Eldgenössische Technische Hochschule (Switzerland) on Critical aspects of subaqueous tunnelling.


    At the end of the congress a closing lecture will be presented by Prof Richard Z. T. Bieniawski

  The WTC will also host a big exhibition; all the 100 booths have been sold. You can already prepare your visit in having a look at the exhibitor list.   Of course, many social activities will be proposed and we are sure that in a place such as Iguaçu, every one will enjoy the WTC.