Search results for: ITA
ITA Tunnelling and underground space Awards 2019 photos & video
Harvey Parker receives ITA-AITES Life Time Achievement Award
The underground space use community loses a key contributor
ITA & ITACUS host Geneva workshop – program available
Join us at the world's premier event on cities - WUF10
ITA - AITES Workshop 2020
ETS celebrating World Tunnel Day with a conference & exhibition
Read the latest issue of our ITA-CET newsletter!
Phd students gather in Turin
A successful first meeting of European tunnelling professors
ITA-CET plans to develop a Tbm driver certification scheme
AMITOS-ITACUS workshop in Mexico city
ITA Publication 2019
AIM Group won a Best Event Award for WTC 2019
2nd National Tunnelling and Underground Space Conference - Ankara-Turkey
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