Search results for: ITA

Post-Olympics in Rio: Review of major changes allowed by the Tunnelling Industry

Post-Olympics in Rio: Review of major changes allowed by the tunneling industry

New ITA President, Tarcisio Celestino's Interview

In the press

Immersed Tunnels in the Natural Environment

  • Published in 2016
  • Author WG11

Breakthrough Issue 2

  • Published in 2016
  • Author ITAYM

IABR - 2016 - Urban Underground Day in Rotterdam, on June 23, 2016.

Urban Underground Day , 23rd June 2016

DEMINAR (DEmonstration and SemINAR) on Life-cycle Management of Tunnels: 14th-15th September, Switzerland

New fee structure for the "On-line Certificate in Tunneling" at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

World Tunnel Congress 2016, 22nd -28th April 2016, A successful week in San Francisco

ITA organises its World Tunnel Congress 2016 in San Francisco, USA: 2.200 attendees expected


The ITA Tunnelling Awards 2016: Second annual international competition to celebrate achievements in tunnelling and underground construction invites nominations

Issue 4 of the ITA-CET Committee newsletter

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