Search results for: ITA

ITACET Lunchtime Lecture Series #25

WTC 2024 in Shenzhen: ITA-AITES and the China Civil Engineering Society are calling for abstracts

World Tunnel Congress 2023: Expanding Underground

Register now for the two-day ITA-CET training course at the WTC in Athens !

Join us for our lunchtime lectures on risk management on March 14th 2023!

Breakthrough issue 7

  • Published in 2021
  • Author ITAYM

Joint ISOCARP-ITACUS Young Professionals Workshop

ITACET Lunchtime Lecture Series #24

Publication of the 3rd edition of "Code of practice for risk management of tunnel works"

Code of practice for risk management of tunnels works - 3rd edition

ITAym General Assembly 2022

Join us! Webinar on immersed, submerged and floating tunnels

WTC 2022 proceedings available

Join our lunchtime lectures on contractualisation on 14th February 2023 !

ITACET Lunchtime Lecture Series #23

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