UCA of SME Benefits of Underground Construction
- Working on finalizing a presentation to post on the UCA website (purpose is that this presentation can be used to introduce prospective public owners/users to the virtues of the underground alternative). Currently have:
Circulated draft copies of the presentation amongst committee members and others. Working on incorporating feedback - notably:
- use of a standard UCA Template for presentations
- inclusion of more study information that monetizes the indirect benefits of going underground - e.g. shorter commute times, etc. Ideally these projects will have been in service for some time so we're not talking hypothetical gains but benefits that have been demonstrably achieved.
- In the process of collecting good documentation (mainly subway projects) that can also be posted (maybe as examples of best practice) on the UCA website. For example there is some good Benefit-Cost work in the public domain that has recently been done for clients such as LA Metro, Sound Transit, UBC Line (Vancouver).
- Continuing to collect case history data from other major projects around.
Underground Concrete Specification Committee - Core Standard Specifications for Underground Concrete Materials and Application.
Mission: To improve the technical quality of contract documents, improving the quality of the installed underground infrastructure through the use of appropriate concrete guidelines and recommendations.
Premise: It has been noted by experts in the field that standard above-ground concrete material specifications are not adequate nor are they applicable to underground applications. It has been deemed appropriate that the industry lead an effort to draft a series of guideline documents with commentary that would then be subject to future updates.
- Issued draft document for industry review – December 17, 2010
- Received comments from industry – January 3
- Incorporating comments into final manuscript – final due on January 31, 2011
- Book Published June 2011