
The Group of Companies Mosproekt-3

Ms Anna Merkulova
Chief Executive Officer
Vice-President of the Russian Tunnelling Association
Kuznetsky Most Street 3
107031 Moscow, Russia
Tel: +7 495 255 10 20
Fax : +7 495 255 10 30

mail : oThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a leading Russian center of engineering competencies, which provides highly-technological solutions in the sphere of transport construction and integrated territorial development. The Group consolidates three oldest Moscow design institutes and has already implemented more than 10000 projects.



The Group has vast experience in the field of underground space development and is a key participant of the unprecedented Moscow metro extension program. The engineers of the Mosproekt-3 Group of companies has been involved in construction of 31 metro stations and more than 80 km of tracks in the Russian capital. The Group is also engaged in the metro tram project in Chelyabinsk and has been chosen as a contracting entity to implement the project of a metro line extension in Nizhny Novgorod.


The team of the Group applies advanced technologies and continuously improves technological processes regarding the design, engineering and construction of metro lines. The Group has been awarded the title of BIM-leader in Russia and is deeply engaged into the development and popularization of BIM-technologies by upgrading the country’s Standard and Regulations in the field.



The Group provides full range of services regarding underground space development:

  • construction management and general design;
  • initial cost appraisal for design and construction;
  • financial modeling based on a project design and engineering documentation;
  • integrated design and engineering of metro lines, including metro stations and sections between stations;
  • design of metro routes;
  • design of engineering systems;
  • architectural concept of stations, halls and underpasses.

The engineers of the Group has experience in implementing the most diverse array of facilities, including ground-level metro lines in an isolated safety circuit to protect it from precipitation, close-to-surface stations in densely built-up urban environment with vast network of engineering utility lines, deep stations in unstable soil with complex hydrogeologic conditions.