Mr Andrea Pigorini
Via Vito Giuseppe Galati,71
00155  Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 331 6190461 (Mrs Vittoria Villa, International Operations - Head of Sales & Marketing)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Italferr provides engineering services ranging from feasibility studies to final design to deliver sustainable infrastructures with the most advanced technologies and safety standards, aiming to provide added value to local communities. Thanks to the experience acquired in all fields of railway engineering, from MEP engineering to traction, through EMC, tunnel ventilation and network operation simulation, Italferr is able to offer its clients decision-making support from preliminary design stages, up to operations. We manage our design activities through an integrated systemic approach, encompassing all disciplines and subjects of a transportation system: structures, technological systems, vehicles, infrastructures, and maintenance facilities. 

A team of over 3000 highly skilled professionals with competencies spanning all sectors of infrastructure engineering, providing added value through their unique knowledge and experiences, capable of delivering complex projects worldwide. A dynamic, digital team composed of young talents led by managers with extensive technical experience.​

Our projects are developed according to standards based on the most advanced national and international technical specifications for High Speed/High Capacity railway lines, including the European Railway Technical Specifications for Interoperability, as well as new technologies tested in recent years, honed with the practical synthesis of decades of experience in the technical-operational management.

Italferr is a leader in the development of tunnel and underground work projects using conventional (Full Face with ADECO approach and SEM), TBM and Cut & Cover tunneling methods.

INDIA Himalaya Tunnel. Italferr is engaged in the detailed design and PMC services for the construction of 17 tunnels for a total length of about 105 km. The project is part of the new railway line connecting Rishikesh to Karnaprayag in the Indian state of Uttarakhand.

TURKEY Eurasia Tunnel. The Joint Venture between Italferr and Altinok Consulting Engineering Inc. was selected by the Ministry of Transport of Turkey (AYGM) to carry out activities of Works Supervision during the development phases of detailed design, execution, testing and commissioning of the Eurasia Tunnel, an intercontinental road link between the Kazliçeşme district in the European area of Istanbul and the Göztepe district in the Asian area, crossing underneath the Bosphorus strait.

ITALY-FRANCE Turin-Lyon Base Tunnel. The Turin-Lyon cross-border section is characterized by a 57 km long base tunnel with a double-bore, single-track configuration and transverse connections, ensuring the safe evacuation of passengers in case of emergency. Italferr provides a wide range of engineering services for the international section of the project. In addition, we develop the Final Design (PRO Phase) of one of the three lots of the French side Base Tunnel, support the preparation of tender documents and we are entrusted with Work Supervision activities for the lot that will complete the Base Tunnel on the Italian side.

ITALY-AUSTRIA  Brenner Base Tunnel. It runs for 55 km between Tulfes/Innsbruck and Fortezza and, considering the Innsbruck by-pass, it runs for a total of 64 km, making it the longest underground railway stretch in the world. The works include the construction of two single track tunnels (9 m dia.) with underground safety area every 20 km and an exploratory/service tunnel (6 m dia.).  Italferr provides a wide range of engineering services for the client (BBT) among which PMC services and Supervision of the work of the constriction lot under passing with very shallow overburden the Isarco River, which is the southern segment of the Brenner Base Tunnel, before entering the railway station at Fortezza.