Search results for: Group Excavation

Geophysical ahead investigation methods / Seismic methods

Muir Wood lecture 2018

A wealth of expertise at the WTC short course

Guidelines for good working practice in high pressure compressed air Version 2018

ITAtech AG & SubAG AG at WTC 2017

ITA Working Groups release new guidance

  • Support Press

The World Tunnel Congress 2017: 6 days of innovation sharing

Muir Wood Lecture 2017

TBM Excavation of Long and Deep Tunnels Under Difficult Rock Conditions

  • Published in 2017
  • Author WG 17

ITAtech - The information disseminator of new technologies in tunnelling

Recommendations on the development process for mined tunnels

Immersed Tunnels in the Natural Environment

  • Published in 2016
  • Author WG11

ITAtech AG & SubAG AG at WTC 2016

Vibration Control in Urban Drill & Blast Tunnelling

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