Animator: Giorgio Piaggio (Chile)
Vice-Animator:Wenge Qiu (China)
Tutor: Daniele Peila (Italy)
Report presented by Griogio Piaggio
Report presented by Griogio Piaggio
To incorporate key country members (and no members) into the group, for knowledge and information sharing.
To reactivate worldwide the interest for seismic analysis and design, for rock and soil tunnels.
To produce state of the art reports for the tunnelling community.
Current countries working in the group
Chile, China, Italy, Japan and Norway. Other countries with extensive seismic experience will be invited to participate.
State of the art reports:
Currently working in a report about mountain tunnels and its damages due to earthquakes.
- Mainly focused on Asian experience so far.
- Introduction of damage classification.
- Statistical analysis using the data collected.
Will be extended the scope of the report in order to include a comprehensive database of tunnels with damages due to earthquakes:
- Geometrical section
- Geo information (geological context, rock mass quality, overburden)
- Type of support (bolts, shotcrete, in situ concrete, precast)
- Earthquake parameters (epicenter, magnitude)
- Damage identification
Strong focused on investigation of design and analysis methodologies that countries with seismic experience are currently using:
- Design earthquakes criteria
- Ground motion parameters
- Seismic loading
- Response analysis
- Analytical/numerical/dynamic/empirical solutions
We invite all people interested on this important topic to take contact and share their experience and knowledge.