- New Animateur: A. Ishida (Japan)
- new Vice Animateur: Odd-Bjorn Kleven (Norway)
- Tutor: E. Grov (Norway)
WG meeting was held on afternoon 16th of May, with 19 members from 13 member nations.
The Group elected new animateur and new vice-animateur. Thanks are given to former animateur, Tarcisio Celestino.
Ongoing and future activities were discussed. Items are; Evaluation on fibre-reinforced sprayed concrete, nozzleman certification, and waterproofing.
Additionally, mix design and durability was discussed to collect information in order to compare between sprayed concrete and cast concrete in regards to durability.
Additionally, Tommy Ellison presented his recent results on Simulator for training robot operators.
Rusty Morgan announced recent publishing of his book on shotcrete