- Animateur: Atsumu Ishida (Japan)
- Vice-Animateur: Odd-Bjorn Kleven (Norway)
- Tutor: Felix Amberg (Switzerland)
- Report presented by Atsumu Ishida.
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23 participants from 13 member nations: Australia, Brazil, Czech republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, U.S.A.
Results from the last year
- Nozzleman certification : EFNARC nozzleman certification scheme; endorsed by ITA
Current Activities
- Fibre-reinforced sprayed concrete : preparing ITA report; revised version examined "State of the Art Report – Performance Test Methods for Fibber Reinforced Sprayed Concrete for underground support"
- Mix design and durability : Draft paper circulated, discussed for future ITA report
Future Activities
- Waterproofing : interact and cooperate with ITAtech activity on waterproofing
- Quality control : discussed the possibility and supported by many members; creation of sub-groups