- Animateur: J. K. G. Rohde (Norway)
- new Vice Animateur: Y. Ota (Japan)
- Tutor: I.-M. Lee (Korea)
The Working Group meetings were held the 16th and 17th of May 2010, attended by 6 representatives from 6 Member Nations, Sweden, Italy, Japan, Korea, USA and Norway.
The meeting discussed and made comments to the A. Haack report on the working groups. The meeting had 6 presentations on several issues related to muck disposal and recycling of material, ventilation, vibration, groundwater inflow, and their effects on the environment.
The group circulated the report on Environmental and Sustainable Development Reasons for Going Underground which was published early 2010 and available at the ITA web-site.
The next goals for the group as they relate to environmental and social impacts are to communicate the environmental challenges by going underground and recommendations and guidelines concerning the environment when going underground.