Animator: Gérard Seingre (Switzerland),
Vice-Animator: Jinxiu (Jenny) Yan (China),
Tutor: Rick Lovat (Canada)
Report presented by Gérard Seingre:
The Group held one session gathering sixteen members from eleven different countries: Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Korea, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA. Nine of the attendees were former members to the WG.Election of a new animator and a new vice animator:
• Animator: Jenny Yan (China), if elected at ITA-Board, Gerard Seingre will stay 2-3 years more
• Vice Animator: Magali Schivre (France)
The WG Report on Adits (access galleries and shafts) was successfully published this year. The Animateur would like to thank all contributors and reviewers, as well as the ITA-general secretary staff.
It is already translated into Chinese.
Proposal of a Chinese subgroup: needs of translation support
Presentations on projects and review of state of advancement of exiting project. Proposal for the next goal of WG 17:
• TBM in squeezing – buckling – spalling and swelling rock
• Pre grouting and TBM