- Animateur: A. Elioff (USA)
- Vice Animateur: W. Broere (Netherlands)
- Vice Animateur: J. Nishi (ACUUS)
- Tutor: H. Parker (USA)
In the Group there were 21 attendees from 12 countries.
The group has made significant progress towards its objective of creating an overview of the typical challenges of urban city planning and the solutions which are offered by the underground space.
The seventh full draft of the report on urban problems, underground solutions, and key decision factors was reviewed by the group and comments for a final round of editing were collected.
The second focus was a review of the case study projects about ingenious underground solutions worldwide.
We have 17 completed case studies and others identified for completion. Most of the completed case studies have been formatted for publication. The final report is to be sent to the executive committee in October for approval -after final edits by the working group and technical editor review.