Search results for: Working Group 20
ITAtech - The information disseminator of new technologies in tunnelling
Think Deep UK aim to break new ground beneath our cities
Recommendations on the development process for mined tunnels
- Published in 2016
- Author Working Group 14 19
BEFIPS meeting
ISCOCARP Young Professional’ Think Deep Program (YPTDP) Workshop
In the press
ITAtech Guidance for Precast Fibre Reinforced Concrete Segments - Vol 1 Design Aspects
- Published in 2016
- Author ITAtech AG PFRCS
Recommendations on the development process for mined tunnels
- Published in 2016
- Author Working Group 14 19
ISOCARP & ITACUS working together
ITA WGs and Committees Publications
The ITA-CET and ITAtech Committees meet in Hagerbach
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