ITAtech AG & SubAG AG at WTC 2017
30 June 2017
During WTC 2017 in Bergen, Norway, Mr Pauli Arenram, Chairman of the ITA committee on Technologies (ITAtech) presented the progress made by all the Activity Groups (AG) and Sub Activity Groups (SubAG).
The ITAtech activity groups include all processes related to underground construction such as Investigation, Excavation, Support, Lining and Waterproofing, Installation and Interior works, Monitoring, and Design.
Altogether, there are six Activity Groups and seven sub-activity groups. Seven reports have been published since the conception of ITAtech. The work, is coordinated and organized by AG and SubAG leaders, either as physical meetings or as WEB/Phone conferences, with individual work and teamwork between meetings. Typically, the annual WTC’s are one good opportunity for physical meetings. Therefore, also this year AG and Sub AG meetings took place at the WTC 2017 in Bergen.