Search results for: ITA CET
Register now for the WTC ITACET short course!
WTC 2018 short course: 21st-22nd April 2018, Dubai
The ITA-CET Steering Board meets in Lyon
Training Session in Dubai
Issue 7 of the ITA-CET newsletter
In the press
Creation of an ITA-CET University Network group on Linkedin
Light at the end of tunnel?
- Support Press
EDUCATION AND TRAINING : ITA focus on skilling future tunnellers
EDUCATION AND TRAINING : ITA focus on skilling future tunnellers
Issue 6 of the ITA-CET Committee newsletter is now available
Le Professeur Tarcisio Celestino, Président de l’Association internationale des tunnels et de l’espace souterrain, fixe les objectifs du Congrès mondial des tunnels 2017 à Bergen
WTC training course
WTC training course on "Excavation and Support in Soft Ground Conditions": 9th-10th June, Bergen, Norway
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