Search results for: A West

Environmental and Sustainable Development Reasons for Going Underground

Experiences in Seoul Subway Development

Safety aspects of railway & road tunnel:example of the Lötschberg, Railway Tunnel & MontBlanc road tunnel.

Current issues in traffic tunnels

Environmental aspects in tunnel design

Assessment and service life updating of existing Tunnels

Guidelines for fire safe design: synthesis and current harmonisation processes

Present-day design fire scenarios and comparison with test results and real fires: structures & equipment

The Role of PIARC technical committee C3.3 in fire safety in tunnels

  • Published in 2004
  • Author A West

Shotcrete for rock Support - A Summary report on State-of-the-Art

ITA COSUF Workshop 2012 and General Assembly 22 June 2012 in Rome (Italy) - Zaw Zaw Aye

ITA COSUF Workshop on 25-26 October 2012 in Madrid - Eva Montero


Updated survey of existing regulations and recognised recommendations

Newsletter 08, December 2010

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