Search results for: A. Chan

Shotcrete for Underground Support: a State-of-the-Art Report with Focus on Steel-fibre Reinforcement

Immersed Tunnels - a better way to cross waterways

State of the Art report in Immersed and Floating Tunnels

State of the Art report in Immersed and Floating Tunnels

Cost-Benefit Methods for Underground Urban Public Transportaion Systems

Examples of Benefit Methods for Underground Urban Public Transportaion Systems

Aseismic design of underground structures

Seismic design and analysis of underground structures

Large Tunnel Projects in the World '91

ITA Guidelines for the Design of Tunnels

Study Methods for Repair of Tunnel Linings

Guidelines for structural fire resistance for road tunnels

State-of-the-art-report of Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Determining the State of Tunnel Lining

Report on the Damaging Effects of Water on Tunnels during their Working Life

Guidelines for good working practice in high pressure compressed air

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