Have a look to our new website : http://www.ita-cosuf.org/
ITA COSUF is the Centre of Excellence for world-wide exchange of information and know-how regarding safety and security of underground facilities in operation.
ITA COSUF - the Committee on Operational Safety of Underground Facilities was founded at the 33rd ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC) 2005 in Istanbul, following a joint initiative of 8 European research projects which all aimed at an improved tunnel safety. It is one out of four ITA committees and supported by PIARC, the World Road Association.
The Committee’s scope concerns the operational safety in tunnels and other underground facilities as well as security.
Develop and maintain a network to:
- Exchange knowledge
- Facilitate cooperation worldwide
- Facilitate the creation of dedicated teams and groups to perform specific (research or other) activities
- Enhance research and development activities through combining of national, European and international funding and promoting support
Promote safety (and security) by:
- Fostering innovation
- Raising awareness of current and newly developed safety and security issues amongst decision makers, professional end-users, financers, risk managers, international forums and other stakeholders
- Supporting the development of improved regulations
To know more
COSUF invites all parties world-wide interested in the field of operational safety and security of tunnels and other underground facilities to become member and to co-operate within COSUF.
Any corporate organisation or company can apply for membership.
Currently ITA COSUF has 76 members coming from 27 countries.
Download the ITA COSUF member list here
The membership in COSUF has to be confirmed by the General Assembly of ITA, but is not bound to membership in ITA or vice versa. Of course, a membership in both is possible and welcome.
The annual membership fee will be as follows:
- Public organisations, educational institutes: 250 EURO
- All others: 500 EURO
Member’s benefit
- Being member of a worldwide network annual meetings in form of the Open Workshop and General Assembly
- Additional internal workshop once a year
- Access to technical information and documents
- Access to and integration into AG activities
- Twice a year Activity Group (AG) meeting, generally linked with open or internal workshop
Membership subscription: download
Information & contact :
c/o MIE 2
Chemin de Balexert 9
CH - 1219 Châtelaine
Tel: +41 22 547 74 41
Email: secretariat@ita-aites.org