Search results for: A. Chan

Guidelines for good working practice in high pressure compressed air

The saga of the WG4 - Subsurface planning

Access Ways to underground space

Survey of Water Installations Underground: Underground Water-conveyance and storage Facilities

ITA Mine Reuse For WG4

Planning and Mapping of Underground Space - an Overview

Fire and Life Safety for Underground Facilities: Present Status of Fire and Life Safety Principles Related to Underground Facilities

Legal and Administrative Issues in Underground Space Use: a Preliminary Survey of ITA Member Nations

Toronto's Underground Pedestrian System

The Development and Utilisation of Subsurface Space

Using the Earth to Save Energy: Four Underground Buildings

ITA Recommendations on Contractual Sharing of Risks

ITA Recommendations on Contractual Sharing of Risks

ITA Recommendations on Contractual Sharing of Risks

Contractual Sharing of Risk: The International Perspective

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