Search results for: Antonia Cornaro; Han Admiraal

Special session hosted by ITACUS during the ISOCARP

ITACUS @ XVI Andean Seminar of Tunnels and Underground Works

Session 5

  • Date Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Are you ready for the ITA #TunnellingWeek


Cyber Agora #5: Underground Urbanism

Cyber Agora #5: Underground Urbanism

Webinar on "Planning for sustainable underground space"

April,21 - Webinar on "Planning for Sustainable Underground Spaces"

Webinar "Planning for sustainable underground spaces"

Successful webinar on Expanding underground, Knowledge & Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the world

Online workshop by Greek Tunnelling Young Members Group with ITACUS

New and First-ever Course: Planning of Underground Space Use

First ITA and ITACUS workshop at the new ITA HQ is great success

ITA shows what underground space brings to cities at 10th World Urban Forum

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