Search results for: Working Group 17

A new series of short online courses available in 2021

ITA-CET will organize monthly "online lunchtime lecture series"

ITA helds a virtual 46th general assembly

Permanent Sprayed Concrete Linings

Permanent Sprayed Concrete Linings

Planning Health and Safety Risk management for Underground Works

ITA holds a virtual 46th General Assembly

ITA Working Group 23 held Webinars

Russian Tunnelling Association celebrates its 30th Anniversary

Exco and Young members visited CERN jobsite in Geneva

First ITA and ITACUS workshop at the new ITA HQ is great success

Second Webinar WG 23

Join our free Webinar on shaft construction

ETS celebrating World Tunnel Day with a conference & exhibition

ITA-CET plans to develop a Tbm driver certification scheme

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