On 11 November ITACUS co-hosted the next webinar in the NXT50 series with THE HUS.institute, a think tank from Liechtenstein, and SCAUT, the Swiss Center of Applied Underground Technologies. The webinar was live-screened from the Hagerbach Test Gallery in Switzerland. The program consisted of a varied one hour program featuring architectural students' work on making underground spaces livable. A panel debate with experts discussed how we can use systemic thinking to make a leap forward in the usage and applications of underground spaces for a better urban future. The audience participated via polls and Q&A.
Taking part in the HAGERBACH NXT 50 series of webinars will broaden your understanding of the role of underground spaces in helping humankind sustainably develop on this planet and eventually future planets. Mission Earth First is about linking underground space and outer space from the understanding that Earth counts and must come first!
A recording of the second webinar "Moving Beyond the Obvious" can now be watched using the link below
Please find more information about the webinar series and how to participate here: Hagerbach NXT and in the brochure you can download.
You can watch a recording of this webinar directly here.