Search results for: ITA
Upcoming event: Innovative use of underground space at the World Tunnel Congress
ITACUS co-chairs engage with young fellows of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth
Expanding the underground exploration in India
Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure
ITACUS, official partner of the UNEP-led Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership and Green Growth Knowledge Platform
ITACUS is now partnering with We Don’t Have Time to find solutions for the climate crisis
ITACUS at the UN-Habitat World Urban Forum held in Katowice, Poland
The latest edition of the ITA-CET newsletter is available
Register now for the ITACET lectures on sustainable pre-cast fibre-reinforced concrete segmental linings !
ITA-CET university nework members are invited to showcase their research work!
Jinxiu (Jenny) Yan Interview
- Support Press
Join us on 14th June for our lunchtime lectures on robots in tunnelling
ITA calls for nomination for the 8th edition of ITA Tunnelling Awards
ITACET Online Lunchtime Series #16
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