Search results for: ITA CET
The ITA-CET and ITA COSUF Steering Boards meet in Lyon
WTC training course on "Excavation and Support in Soft Ground Conditions": 9th-10th June, Bergen, Norway
In the press
DEMINAR (DEmonstration and SemINAR) on Life-cycle Management of Tunnels: 14th-15th September, Switzerland
Issue 4 of the ITA-CET Committee newsletter
A successful first training session by video-conference
Courses in tunnelling provided by the ITA-CET Committee’s academic network
Saudi Arabia hosts a training session on landslides and tunnels
The ITA-CET and ITAtech Committees meet in Hagerbach
ITA Tunnelling Aawards: The ITA rewards the 11 outstanding projects and engineers of the year 2015
Issue 3 of the ITA-CET Committee Newsletter
Two additional postgraduate courses receive ITA-endorsement
Mexico hosts a two-day training session on mechanized tunnelling
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