MBCC Group

Dr. Wolfgang Aldrian

Master Builders Solutions GmbH
Roseggerstraße 101,
8670 Krieglach,

Phone: +43 664 9253736
Website: www.master-builders-solutions.com



Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH
Glücksteinallee 43-45
68163 Mannheim
Email: ugc@mbcc-group.com
Website: https://ugc.master-builders-solutions.com/en


Solutions for Underground Construction

With its product range, Master Builders Solutions is a world leader in the provision of reliable, customer-oriented solutions, expert engineering knowledge and training workshops focused on your needs in the tunneling industry.

Sprayed Concrete and Ground Support

Our range of accelerators, superplasticizers, hydration control, concrete improvement, fibers and pumping aids create durable sprayed concrete with high final strength for state-of-the-art single shell tunnel linings.


Pre-injecting the ground with microcement is an economical approach to avoid unexpected water ingress, while post-injection may be required for soil stabilization or even structural repairs. We provide a comprehensive range of products for water stopping, ground consolidation, crack sealing and concrete rehabilitation.

Solutions for Rock Bolting

Developed for placement of cable and rock bolts in mining and tunneling, our innovative solutions improve cycle times for both cable and rock bolt installation, while increasing worker safety and strata control. Besides reactive resins from the MasterRoc RBA 38X range the portfolio includes also ready-to-use cementitious products and various admixtures for OPC based grouts to adjust the behavior in terms of shrinkage compensation, corrosion protection, pumping capacity, and bond improvement.

TBM Solutions

To increase advance rates and protect the TBM from excessive wear even in highly challenging ground conditions such as urban areas, we offer soil conditioners, anti-wear & dust agents, tail sealants, main bearing greases and annulus grouts for EPB and hard rock TBM tunneling. They are suitable for projects even with the largest diameters.


Underground Water Management

The spray applied waterproofing membrane MasterSeal 345 is quickly applied (80 - 180 m2/hour) onto the primary concrete lining and covered afterwards by the secondary concrete lining. It provides high bonding strength to both linings, prevents any migration of groundwater along the membrane-concrete interfaces and acts as a barrier against water ingress into the tunnel. It enables optimization of the tunnel lining design.

We tackle all of your problems safely, cost-efficiently and time-effectively. Contact our specialists for further information.

Email: ugc@mbcc-group.com